Friday, February 13, 2009

who can it be now?

it looks like your's truly has a secret admirer!!!!!

i received these beautiful roses today at work!

as you can see the card isn't signed! so i have no clue who they are from! so who is going to take credit for them? did YOU send me these flowers????

i also got this GIANT teddy bear from my friend john, the same john that gave me a dozen roses yesterday! it's co-workers like him (and NOT my boss) that make this a great place to work! he also bought me a bag of doritos that i promptly took to my car so i didn't eat them. i LOVE doritos and could have probably eaten the whole bag before lunch! i'm dieting though so they won't be eaten until sunday (my cheat day lol!)!!!!

SOOOO, thanks to whomever sent me the wonderful flowers and thanks again to john for being a great friend!


Angela said...

Well how about that!!! I wonder who the admirer is? Investigator Angie is on the case!

haley said...

HAHAHAHA! you always crack the case so i have faith that you'll figure it out in record time!

Keetha Broyles said...

I TOLD you about John yesterday - - - he wants to be MORE than your co-worker!!!!

haley said...

unfortunately keetha, i've known this for a while. while i think the things he does are sweet, i'm always telling him to STOP. it's definitely a one way street those "more than co-worker" feelings!

Keri said...


Do you have any idea at all who they're from?!?! How fun is this!!! You're a hottie so I'm sure there's all kinds of guys in the Haley line but looks like only ONE was man enough to step up! Oh wait...he didn't tell us who he is!

Keetha Broyles said...

Maybe it's your friend from Street Fair who talked to everyone BUT you - - - - somehow sending anonymous flowers seems about his style.

Keetha Broyles said...

82 VISITORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keetha Broyles said...

Oh, and you've already had 71 visits to your profile - - - that's even MORE impressive than the 83 visitors to your blog - - - it means someone took the time to go to your profile to learn more about you - - - no, 71 people did!!!!

haley said...

WOW! and it's all thanks to you for spreading the word about my blog! THANKS! i can't believe how addicting this thing is. LOL.

Keri said...

Every time I come here I get that song in my head!

haley said...

song? what? now i'm confused lol.

Keetha Broyles said...

96 visitors now - - - you'll be hitting 100 before you know it.

haley said...

99 NOW! oh my goodness!!!!! WHO is going to be 100th visitor?!?! could this day get anymore exciting???

haley said...

dang it, it says my 100th visitor is me. but i have my settings set to not track me but it's doing it anyway. so i'm going to have to count my 101 as my 100 or my 102? becuase this visit back here probably just tracked me too lol!

Keri said...

AWWWW I thought it would be me because when I logged in it said 100. :(

Keri said...

Song...Who Can It Be Now...

We discussed this in a text tho. ha

haley said...

then it WAS you! well you were number 101 and 102 LOL! i have it marked to not count my visits but it's STILL doing it. what the heck?! but YOU were my 100th visit in my book!

Angela said...

Pretty soon you will be at 9200 or some shiz like me. :)

haley said...

i want to be at 35,000 and 45,000 or something close to those, like keri and her mom are! LOL.

Mary Jo said...

Hey Haley (great name by the way my daughter is a Haley too:))
Welcome to the blogging world. I have know Keri for many years now ( wow that made me sound old) She is awesome..
I enjoyed reading your post so far I will make sure to visit again.
And you are not the only one who leads a so called boring life! And I can't even do half of the things on my blog that some of the others do Maybe Keri and her mom should teach a class on blogging :)
:) Mary Jo

Keri said...

Awww Mary Jo!!! You're sweet. :)

Haley - those numbers on our blogs are from 2006 to today!! HEHE! It's not like we wracked up those numbers in a week. I think you'll have MORE than me soon anyway! This is comment #21 on this post! I don't think I've EVER had 21 comments on a single post!

Angela said...

Dont worry Haley you will reach that!! Its takes LOTS of time. :) And I have never had 21 comments either on a single post. Of course my blogging friends and I dont seem to chat through comments. :) Your blogging days are going great! Of course I am a little sad there wasnt a post today. Dont forget us on the weekends. :)

Heather said...

Welcome to the blogging world haley, you are going to love it!!

and beautiful flowers!!

Keetha Broyles said...

139 visitors and this is your 24th comment on this post!!! You are rockin' and rollin' now!!!!

I have my blog set to not count my own visits to the blog, but I think that only works from the computer upon which you SET that. Like, when I visit my blog from my school computer it still counts my visit.

Oh how funny - - - my word verification is "tricsta"

As in, you Tricsta you!!!!


haley said...

HA! keetha, your word verification actually made me laugh out loud! "tricsta"!!!! LOL!