Tuesday, February 10, 2009

numero dos

well it's day two in haley's blog world. i promise i won't title every single post as "numero whatever number i'm on." lol! or maybe i will. now i don't know!! :)

so, i have TWO followers already! how fantastic is that? the problem is now, i have to come up with stuff to talk about. and therein lies the problem with my blog. i REALLY don't feel like i have a whole heck of a lot of stuff to talk about. i truly lead one of the most boring lives of any of my friends. i've wanted to have a blog for a while now, but i just don't have anything to talk about. no one wants to hear me babble on every day about my weight!

as i'm typing this i just found out i now have THREE followers. geez, i really am going to have to come up with stuff to talk about now... gotta keep my followers happy you know?!?!

okay, i'm obsessed with perez hilton. if you don't who he is, he's the queen of the blog world. (yes keetha, i said he's the queen. you're a close runner up though) he talks about all the celebrity gossip and when i'm at work, i check him out all day long. i was just reading on there that there are 15 businesses that are expected to go out of business this year. one of them is my favorite pizza place in the entire world.... sbarro's. i have to admit that i will be completely devestated if that happens. i don't think i'll even be able to go to the mall for a while without having a melt down. i'm not gonna lie, i sometimes go to the mall JUST to get sbarro's pizza. one time i even drove all the way to the mall (at least a 30 minute drive), got sbarros and turned around and came right back home and ate it. it'll be a sad sad day if or when that place closes.

here is the link if you want to read what other ones are expected to go out of business.



Keri said...

NO WAY!!!!!!! We LOVE Sbarro's too!! Ok I see a trip to the mall VERY SOON just for Sbarro's before they leave us.

Why do we get the pizza shaft??! First Little Caesar's now Sbarro's?! At least we have LC in Ft Wayne tho, I guess.

Oh...and you DO NOT have a boring life so just stop saying that before I punch you in the face. How could your life be more boring than mine??! Seriously. LOL

P.S. I'm SO HAPPY you have a blog. Even though you didn't tell me about it. And no, I will not shut up about you not telling me about it.

Keetha Broyles said...

She didn't tell any of us about it.

I heard Starbucks was also on that list. I won't care, but The Big Cheese will be devastated.

Here is a blogging tip: Get a digi cam (or use the one you already have) and put it in your purse. That way, when you some some random thing and think, "I could blog about that!!!" You'll have your cam all ready to snap a shot to post on your blog.

Now that you've started, you'll be surprised how many things will just POP into your brain and you'll think, I HAVE to blog about that!!!!

So good to have you in blogland as more than a stalker/commenter.

Keetha Broyles said...

PS - - - now you have FOUR followers.

haley said...

I KNOW! i was really excited when i saw that i had 4 followers! i kept checking it all day to see if keri was a follower yet. LOL! i can tell already i'm going to be addicted to blogging... even though i can't really figure most of this stuff out!

Keri said...

Haley come over and we'll have a blogging class! haha :)

Angela said...

Oh haley! You are such a popular blogger already! :) Even though I have had like 9000 hits on mine I only have one follower. :) I know you are extremely saddened by Sbarros! :( Boy for the economy! Looking forward to your next entry. :) Sorry my blog doesnt have much randomness. :) People that read mine like the crafty stuff. OH and I added you to my lists of blogs I like to read on the right side of my blog. :)

haley said...

i saw that angie! i was sooo very excited. now if other people would just stinkin' follow you.

keetha, i have a digital camera in my purse almost always. one problem... i NEVER remember to take pictures. i'm horrible at this! maybe once my obsession with blogging grows, so will my obsession with picture taking!

Keetha Broyles said...

It will.