Monday, March 23, 2009

attention: slow drivers

i hate you! you are my daily pet peeve. i can't stand someone that doesn't drive at LEAST 5 over the speed limit at all times. if the speed limit's 55, DRIVE 60! it's that simple...and if you can't drive at least 60, get out of my way! it just gets on my nerves. if i ever move somewhere else in this area, it will for sure be somewhere that doesn't require me to drive on state road 1 to get to work. i'm NOT a morning person so the last thing i want when i'm already running late is to be following someone who thinks it's okay to drive 54 in a 55. NO. that's NOT okay. and YES i will ride you like there's only a 6 foot rope between us and you're towing me! i will also more than likely be screaming at you to speed up from my car! yes people, i realize that you can't hear me... but i'm gonna do it anyway! plus it makes me feel better! :)

OR, how about when you're on the interstate and some idiot is driving in the left lane, going about 60? THIS IS NOT OKAY! GET OVER! please tell me i'm not the only person that hates this?!?!

the only reason to drive under the speed limit is if it's weather related... other than that, there is no excuse! especially when you see that there is a line of traffic behind you that is beginning to look like an angry mob!

maybe my road rage is to blame for the 47 times i've been pulled over. yes, 47 TIMES! no joke! (insert a shout out to greg steele right here!!!) in my defense they weren't ALL for speeding and i've only received 4 speeding tickets... i think! BUT if people would just speed up i wouldn't have to pass them and then go 65 or faster just to make up for the time i lost following them going 51.

so the moral of the story... if you ever see me following you, speed up. i don't care how fast you are going... go faster! thanks :)

also, keetha, keri, or anyone that blogs, why does my post say i'm posting this at 7:04 AM when it's 10:33AM? did i move to seattle and not even know it?? why am i always 3 hours behind?? this baffles me every time!!!


Keetha Broyles said...

Haley - - - in the "settings" part of your dashboard there is a place to set the time to agree with where you live. Look around a bit, you'll find it. Once you've fixed that, your posts will show actual time.

And here, just for you and because I haven't given you any in a while:


And just for good measure:


haley said...

but i've already DONE that and it STILL isn't working. i'll try again... for the 3rd time! LOL!!!

and thanks for the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i needed them on this manic monday morning! or mmm as i like to call it! that's not true, i just made that up!

Keetha Broyles said...

And your computer clock is right?

My word verification: prood!!!!

Oh you prood you!

haley said...

yep my computer clock is right! and i just checked and i'm and my blog is set for eastern time! hmmm this is strange!

Keri said...

I HATE STATE ROAD 1!!!!!!!!!

Angela said...

State Road 1 has to be the worst for this EVER!! Especially when trying to get back to your house from Bandido's!!!

haley said...

LOL angie, and then i pass everyone and you get stuck behind 50 cars going about 20? you love it!